What is the difference between good fat and bad fat?
Bad fat are man made and come from factories. These include industrial trans fats, hydrogenated fats, margarine, shortening, and the yellow liquid oils like corn oil, soybean oil,and other vegetable oils. Other bad fats come from commercially raised animal fats that are filled with hormones, antibiotics and preservatives are also not healthy.
Where do good fats come from?
Nature. This includes extra virgin olive oil, avocado, butter, and organically raised and pastured animal fats.
First, trans fats take on a certain shape. The shape has no effect on your body. What really matters is that there are natural trans fats and they are called “rudiment trans fats” in the medical research. These fats are healthy for you. The bad trans fats are man-made and called “industrial trans fats”. To summarize, there are good and bad trans fats.
Second, saturated fats follow the same rule. They are given a chemical name which has no effect on your body. There are natural saturated fats which are “cardioprotective” which means they prevent heart disease. There are man-made saturated fats which cause heart disease. I listed these above.
What are the health benefits of eating good fats. What tissues and organs are those and how do they respond?
- The brain get sharper and more focused. Brain power and energy increase.
- The hormones become stronger and more normal functioning. All hormones start with cholesterol which is a healthy fat.
- The nervous system calms down.
- Sugar in your blood doesn’t spike up as much.
- Breast tissue becomes healthier.
- The heart becomes stronger.
- Every cell membrane has a double layer of fat so the cells become smarter with the intake of nutrients and expelling waste.
- Good fat provides long term endurance and…appetite satisfaction.
- It gives physical strength and calms the nervous system down.
Do you gain weight eating fat?
Generally, no. Eating fat is very satisfying and you end up eating less calories. Compare this to eating sugary foods which has few nutrients so your body’s appetite still rages on. You could end up eating 4,000 calories a day whereas you may have only needed 1,500 if you had healthy fat three times a day.
Are human bodies designed to eat fat?
Yes! We have gall bladders which squirt bile into our small intestines so we can digest fat in our food.
Since we evolved from primates, shouldn’t we be eating mostly vegetarian and low fat like they do?
No, looking at the bodies’ design, they have intestines that are 3 times longer than ours compared to height so they can get 3 times the nutrients from plant material.
Since we eat so much fat now, isn’t it a problem?
If we ate the same amount of fat now as we did 100 years ago. The problem is we switched out the natural fats in favor of bad fats. The overall quantity is the same, but the quality of the fat is different.
What do I do if eating fats make my stomach hurt?
Clean out your gall bladder. Eat beets or take supplements with beets in them everyday will help with that. If you don’t have a gall bladder because it was surgically removed, then you should consider taking a supplement that contains bile in it so your body can digest fat easier.
Why do people say all fat is bad?
Because they aren’t familiar with the modern, updated medical research or the pioneering work or Dr. Weston A. Price from the 1930’s. In past medical studies, researchers combined natural saturated and with man-made saturated fat and saw a rise in heart disease. Their conclusion was “all saturated fat is bad”. Later, researchers separated natural saturated fat from man-made saturated fat and found natural saturated fat was cardioprotective and man-made was the fat that caused heat disease. The point is eat healthy saturated fat!
I was told cholesterol is bad. Isn’t it bad?
Cholesterol is good. It is the precursor to all hormones. If your diet is deficient in cholesterol, your body makes 15 eggs worth of cholesterol per day. What’s bad is the protein that carries the cholesterol around. For example, LDL stands for “Low Density LipoPROTEIN” often, cholesterol confused with lab tests that are commonly used for heart disease.
About Good Fats and The Good Fat Bar
The Good Fat Bar is designed to fulfill the biggest need of your body in light of our modern lifestyle from our hectic pace, high stress, and lots of screen time. Combine this with one of the largest nutritional deficiencies in our modern world- healthy fats. Research has shown ancestral tribes eating their traditional, natural diets had ten times the amount of healthy fats.
Healthy fats feed the brain, nervous system, hormones, joints, eyes, and muscles. Healthy fats satisfy the appetite, provide long term energy, keeps your blood sugar under control, lowers cholesterol, and helps reduce the cravings for sugar. Cacao butter is 60% natural saturated fat which has been proven to protect the heart from heart disease.